Admin Services

  • Monitoring & Rebooting
  • Monitoring & Rebooting

  • Being forced to keep a constant eye on what’s happening on your Linux dedicated web hosting is quite a time–devouring task. But we’re here to take that load off your back so that you will have more time for what is really essential – making your web site far better and taking care of your business. With our Admin Services solution, you can sit back and loosen up, because our sysadmins will be keeping constant track of what’s going on on your server. And we have introduced a special monitoring mechanism, which will warn us of any issues taking place.

  • Backup Space (50 GB)
  • Backup Space

  • Keeping a complete backup of everything on your Linux dedicated web hosting might take you a considerable amount of time. You have to find a 3rd–party location where you can save everything; you’ll need to set up an automatic backup system; you have to permanently monitor everything. We have a rather simple alternative. Our Admin Services package gives you 50 gigabytes of disk space on a backup server. Moreover, we will help you set up the backup process. Because the servers belong to the very same network, everything works exceptionally fast.

  • Installation & Troubleshooting
  • Installation & Troubleshooting

  • It can be quite irritating if you wish to run a web app or a service on your Linux dedicated web hosting, but you keep having hassles. This is when our Admin Services solution can save your day – it covers installation and problem–solving procedures. This means that one of our very knowledgeable senior server admins will be working 30 minutes solely on the problems that you have specified. You can ask him to install a web application or a service, or to resolve an issue that you keep observing. Or to upgrade your server Operating System.

Available with all Linux Dedicated Web Hosting