InnoDB is a storage engine for MySQL databases, which is used by popular PHP script-driven software apps like Joomla 3 and Magento. It is perfect for scalable applications, since it performs remarkably well when handling enormous data volumes. Rather than locking the entire table to append new information to a database like many other engines do, InnoDB locks only one row, so it can perform much more tasks for the same period of time. What’s more, InnoDB offers a better database crash recovery and supports database transactions and foreign keys – a set of rules that define how data imports and modifications should be handled. If a particular operation has not been thoroughly completed for any reason, the action will be rolled back. Thus, the information in the database will remain safe and sound and will not be partially mixed with newly imported content.

InnoDB in Cloud Hosting

You will be able to make use of any PHP-powered app that needs InnoDB in case you’ve got a Linux cloud hosting with our company, as the MySQL storage engine is present on our cutting-edge cloud website hosting platform by default. Throughout the app installation – manual or automatic, InnoDB will be selected as the default engine and the setup process will proceed flawlessly if this engine is needed. You can activate applications that need the MyISAM engine without any impediments as well and, once again, the engine will be pre-selected, so you won’t need to change anything manually at any point. On top of that, we will also generate regular backups of all the MySQL databases that you’ve got in the account, so in case you delete or overwrite anything, we can quickly restore it the way it was on any of the previous 7 days.