Server Side Includes
Find out more about SSI (Server Side Includes) - what exactly it is and how you'll be able to use it to improve your website's functionality.
Server Side Includes (SSI) is a simple server-side language, which enables you to incorporate text from a specific source inside a web page. In the most common scenario, the text from a file is included in a second one, giving a site the feeling that it is dynamic. For instance, if your site features ten webpages, 5 of them can contain the content of any kind of file, for example horoscope.txt. As soon as you change this text file, the updated content will appear on all of the five web pages, which shall allow you to bring up to date your website faster and easier than if you had to update part of all 5 web pages. Server Side Includes is at times employed to contain the output of simple commands, scripts or functions as well - a hit counter that's displayed on the website, the present date and time or the visitor's IP address. Any web page that works by using SSI will need to have a particular extension - .shtml.
Server Side Includes in Cloud Hosting
As our custom cloud hosting platform features Server Side Includes on a global level, it is possible to make use of this feature with all of the cloud hosting packages that we feature and add in dynamic content to your websites with a couple of mouse clicks. SSI is activated for every particular domain or subdomain by placing an .htaccess file in the site folder with only a few lines of code. Naturally, there is no need to be a developer for that since the necessary code can be copied from the Help post that we have related to Server Side Includes. If you wish to employ this function for your website, you have to rename your website files from .html to .shtml and you will have to double-check if all links on your site point to the up-to-date names.