Setup Fee
Find out what set-up charges are along with what their purpose within the hosting world is.
When you purchase a new hosting account, your payment is processed, your account is made and as automatic as the entire process may be, there are always small things that are conducted personally. For a virtual or a dedicated server there are even more tasks to be done since these kinds of website hosting usually need a manual assembly, software installation & configuration, testing the server setting to make sure that everything is working fine, and so on. To cover the expenses for the time and efforts all of these duties take, a lot of companies collect a one-time installation fee to be paid by their clients in addition to the price for the cloud hosting. The charge often applies to every new hosting account being ordered and it is hardly ever listed on the company’s site, but it appears on your checkout page.
Setup Fee in Cloud Hosting
Our cloud hosting packages lack any setup fees or any other hidden fees in general. If you order an account, we will process your payment immediately and then your account will be generated and activated by our system without delay. The total price that you'll have to pay for the hosting plan will be the same everywhere - on your home, order and payment pages, and you won't see or be charged anything besides that price any time. This is valid even when you buy several accounts since it's our understanding that developing trust is far more important than receiving a couple of more dollars. The account activation is instant, therefore you will be able to proceed and start creating your sites right away.