A TXT record, as the abbreviation indicates, is a record, that keeps info in human-readable form and not code. It can be set up for a domain address or a subdomain for various purposes. Search engines, for example, have different ways of making sure that you are the owner of a particular domain and one of them is in fact by creating a TXT record with unique text which they provide and which you will need to use as the record value. The very same verification method is used by some analytics platforms that check the traffic to your web sites as well. Needless to say, in such a case the content of the record is going to be read by a robot, but it will still be in human-readable form. A TXT record is also used in case you enable the so-called SPF protection for your emails in order to protect them from being forged. In this situation, the record contains info showing that a certain digital message is sent from a reliable and authorized mail server. You may use a TXT record for any other information also, such as your business details, for instance.

TXT Records in Cloud Hosting

Our custom Hepsia Control Panel allows you to control the DNS records of every domain name or subdomain accommodated in a cloud hosting account effortlessly, so if you want to set up a new TXT record for any of them, it will not take you more than just a few seconds to do that. Through a rather user-friendly point-and-click interface, you'll simply have to choose one of your Internet domain names or subdomains from a drop-down navigation, pick TXT for the type from a second menu, then input the actual content within a box. This is done within the DNS Records section of Hepsia and shortly after you are done, the new record is going to be functioning. If you wish to confirm your website with Google, for example, you'll just need to log in to your account with them a few minutes later and ask them to check your domain address or subdomain. It doesn't take longer for a TXT record to go live if you need it for any other reason.